My name is Shindy Viandra Charmelita. My Purposed is being a succes people in everywhere i will stayed next day, So, here is it my BLOG,my travelling to be a succes people next day

Inilah Diriku ^_^ (real of me)

Accept me for who I am.
For I would not ask more from you.
This is me.
You might not see me through.
Not if I don't want you to.

Judge me not.
For Judging is GOD's work.
HE made me this way..
The special person that I am.

I'm strong with many weaknesses..
I'm  Blessed with many things in life.
But cursed with many imperfections.
I'm unique in my own way.

I'm not asking the world to understand me.
All I ask is for the world to allow me in it's existence.
For I exist among all things living and breathing.

So, accept me for who I am.
For I would not ask more from you.

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